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Year 3 - Year 6

Specialise in English

Writing, Comprehension, Vocabulary, Grammar 


Thinking Skills

NAPLAN, OC, Selective, Scholarship

* Maths is only offered from Year 1 to Year 4.

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Stephanie Coaching is an independent educational tuition established in 2008.

Schooling has become more competitive and getting your child into a reputable high school and a well known university have become increasingly more difficult. However, our coaching programs are constantly being revised to suit your child’s individual needs and to meet the requirement of the national curriculum in Australia.

Our custom programs provide a structured, stimulating and supportive learning environment that will give your child the edge and confidence they need to succeed, whether it’s to gain selective entry, opportunity class entry, enrichment learning or school revision.


​Despite modern thinking, technology has stagnated in the last 20 years. With Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, we are supposed to be more “connected” but these are gimmicks. We don’t have talking robots, haven’t colonise Mars and don’t have flying cars. In fact, we still rely on the old combustion engine and we are still heavily reliant on oil.

Majority of the population still sits under the poverty line and is caught up in an endless rat race, with little or no chance of leaving a legacy. The only way to break the wheel is through a good education. The only way to jump from the poor to middle class, or middle class to upper class is through a good education.

Our goal is to provide great education and propel your child’s education way beyond what the schools are providing. If anyone, poor or wealthy, can put in the hours, grit and determination to grow, learn and be educated with us, they can change their life and future, and lay seeds to their future generations.

Our goals are grand and it will take a long time for the fruits of our labour to ripen. But, with every plan, it starts with one step at a time. It starts with one child at a time.


​Dear Parents,

At Stephanie Coaching, we aim for students to achieve outstanding academic results by offering the right skills that students need to succeed. We focus on student centered learning and provide a quality learning environment that is academic focused.

Our lesson content covers from foundation to advanced levels in English, Thinking Skills and Maths. However, English is our specialised subject. There is a strong focus in vocabulary, writing and reading. My goal is to ensure all our students become intrinsically motivated and develop a commitment to self-directed learning.

I believe a good teacher is just as important as the learning content itself. There is room for improvement for every student. It is how we guide and drive these students to future success by providing them the opportunities to develop a broad range of thinking and learning skills and strategies.

I understand the worry all parents may have for their children. Therefore, I ensure every parent receives constructive feedback about their child's progress on a regular basis. If it is required, homework may be altered to meet the needs of individual students.

I aim for excellence by setting an ambitious goal and creating a classroom culture that sets high expectations for all our students. I encourage our students to make errors and to help them understand that there is no shame in failure. They learn from their mistakes and acknowledge that "a lifelong learner is a lifelong winner."



Principal & Founder


Mother Nature does not have a set plan, nor an end destination. Instead, Mother Nature is a tinker – making small subtle changes. She experiments and learns from changes that work, and changes that does not work.

Similarly, toddlers learn through experiences as well. They first learn to walk through taking one or two steps before crashing down. Toddlers would repeat this process hundreds of times before they can master the simple art of walking.

At Stephanie Coaching we expect students to practise, practise and practise. We teach them that learning is to tinker. Learning is to take the first few steps and fall. But with every fall, they must get up and try again. They must be persistent. They must be determined and they must be resolved.

In an interesting research (called the Marshmallow Challenge), kindergarten children were pitted against intelligent business graduates. The challenge was to build the largest structure using 20 sticks of spaghetti, some tape, some string and one marshmallow, which had to be placed at the top of the structure.

The business graduates performed poorly. Often they cheated and got distracted. They tried to find the single correct plan and attempted to execute that plan. They would run out of time and when they placed the marshmallow on top, the structure would collapse.

Kindergarten children, on the other hand, performed better than everyone else. They started with the marshmallow and then built successively. They prototyped and refined. They adopt an iterative, collaborative process and got instant feedback on changes that work, and changes that do not work.

How can kindergarten children out perform everyone else? The reason is hidden within our culture.

Our culture has developed a negative stigma towards failure. As a result, students are finding short cuts and are resorting to cheating, as a way of getting to the destination quicker. Students are choosing mediocre and refusing to push beyond their levels because they are too scared of failure.

But we must teach them that failure is not a weakness. Failure is not an anchor strapped to their ankles while they are trying to swim. But instead, failure is a strength. Failure is the journey to success.

As president, Theodore Roosevelt illustrated in his famous speech, “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”

Our students' hearts are in the right place. They have the correct destination in mind. However, they must understand that the destination is not the end goal. The journey and how they get to their destination makes them who they are and how they become a strong independent thinker and learner.

We don’t want a new generation of lemmings. We want our children to grow up thinking beyond the status quo. We want them to be respected, to become leaders, and to be truly happy with their well-deserved success.


  1. Plans purposeful programs and lessons, targeting the needs and abilities of individual students, showing clear connections between the syllabus outcomes, teaching activities and evaluation of the students’ learning.

  2. Differentiates the curriculum to meet the diversified needs of students in terms of their intellectual development.

  3. Devises critical literacy activities to extract further involvement from students when reading, and to allow students to grasp key concepts in text.

  4. Incorporates guided, modelled, independent reading and writing practices in order to cater for the needs of individual students. Oral interaction and writing skills are other aspects of literacy programs adopted to enhance students’ Literacy skills.

  5. Uses concrete materials effectively to develop students’ understanding of key concepts in English and Maths. Students also become more comfortable transferring their abstract and discovery knowledge into written work.

  6. Lessons are evaluated based on the content, teaching strategies and appreciation of the lessons. Assessment strategies include standardised tests, weekly tests and observations in class (anecdotal notes/checklists).

  7. Programs are constantly updated and modified to improve the quality of the teaching content according to the National Curriculum.

  8. Utilises effective assessment strategies such as work samples and checklists to track student performance and to respond actively to individual needs.

  9. Expertise in Opportunity Class, Selective and NAPLAN preparations.

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